I remember getting dumped 7 months before my wedding. I remember the heartbreak.
I remember crying for weeks for him to “come back to me”.
But The Universe and My Spirit Team had other plans.
They removed what was no longer in alignment for me and were getting ready to replace it with my dream come true.
I remember realizing that holding on to someone that didn’t want me back was NOT the way to manifest a great love.
And that’s what I wanted….the greatest love I have ever experienced.
A soulmate that would embody everything I desired in a life partner and teammate.
I remember writing a Manifestation Letter of all the qualities I wanted my soulmate to have.
I remember feeling the deep gratitude of knowing this person was on his way to me.
I did the work.
I trusted.
I released the old and patiently waited for the new.
And then…it happened.
He came.
On the day that I was supposed to marry my Ex, I met ny now husband.
It was cosmic. It was magic. And it was 100% Spirit letting me know that they had my back.
He said he knew on the very first date.
I knew on the third date.
We said “I love you” 2 weeks in.
We moved in together 4 months in.
We were engaged 10 months in.
And 2 days before our 1 year anniversary, we got married.
To the one that answered all my prayers. To the man that continues to work so hard to rise up to the challenge and blessing of our sacred union. Thank You for being YOU.
I love you Husband.
I love you Soulmate.
I love you my Viking King.
To the amazing women in my community….don’t ever give up on your dreams. Have Faith. Be patient. Show up for yourself. Do the work to ready yourself for your blessings. What you want, wants you.
I love you all.