I was in love with a man that for some reason or another, got removed from my life. It hurt more than anything I had ever experienced. I didn’t eat for 17 days. I mourned for months feeling like I was in this never ending cycle of grief.
One day, months after this, I realized 3 things:
1. That I couldn’t just mourn forever
2. He wasn’t coming back
3. I deserved better. Way better.
So I worked on myself.
I put myself first, I read a ton of books, I went to therapy, I did deep healing work, I worked on finding joy in daily life and routine. I envisioned my perfect partner and soulmate out there waiting for me.
Life got better.
Then, on November 14, the day I was supposed to marry my Ex, I met my now husband.
Coincidence? I think not.
I know it was the Universe letting me know that there was a bigger plan at work. That I wasn’t alone. That I was divinely supported. We all are.
So...when bad stuff happens and you feel like you’re never going to recover, just remember, you will. It’s all for a reason, it’s all for the better. It’s all so that you can let go of what no longer serves you in order to make space for huge blessings. .
I met my husband on my wedding day. What blessings are you ready to welcome into your life by letting go of what no longer serves you?