I remember the first time I had a psychic moment.
I was just a kid. I woke up from a very vivid dream where I saw the victor of a very heated and contested election where I lived in San Juan, Puerto Rico.
The election was that night and hadn’t happened yet, but I just KNEW who the winner would be.
I remember the candidate that my family was rooting for and that was NOT who I saw winning in my dream. How do I tell my mom this?!
Well, I crawled out of bed and went to find her in the kitchen and immediately blurted out what I saw in my dream.
I told her that the candidate’s opponent would win.
Do you know what happened afterwards?
Instead of dismissing it as a random coincidence or blaming it on “kids will be kids”, my mom looked at me and yelled “FUCK! Oh well, at least I know what to prepare myself for tonight.”
She believed me immediately. She always has. (Btw, my prediction was proven right that very night!)
I look back at that experience and know that this is one of the reasons I always came back to my intuition for insights. It’s also why I chose to help others with my gift.
Because someone validated me and my gift, even as a child. And that helped me build confidence in myself.
I thank my mom for instilling that belief in myself and for always taking my visions and predictions seriously.
I’ve been doing Intuitive Readings for over 20 years now and I know it’s part of my mission here on Earth.
I love hearing back from so many clients letting me know that the insight offered by spirit during our session has helped their lives. It’s definitely a huge highlight for me. I don’t take it for granted.
Remember, trust yourself, trust your intuition. It knows what’s up!